Renos Nicos Spanoudes chats to Basson Laas who becomes a full-time musician and proves that the arts are still alive and thriving in South Africa‟. They chat about Tightly Bound’ which is an ”everything has a silver lining” kind of song, released on the 7th July.
In 2019, a quiet farm boy from the North-West province, Basson Laas, resigned from his day job to become a full-time musician. “Gulp!” That‟s what many may be thinking. Except Basson‟s unique journey from high school teacher to full-time musician, who now travels the country performing live, is proof that the arts and, music in particular, is still a bustling industry.
Bassons journey hasn’t been easy and there have been many hurdles along the way, but there have also been loads of highlights and rewarding moments, including this one right now. The budding singer-songwriter has finally come full circle (smiling ear-to-ear), with the release of his debut single, „Tightly Bound‟, a precursor to his sterling five-track EP, Good Morning Dreamer.
Indicative of most music globally, Basson’s songs contain traces of love and romance. Also evident in his lyrics are topics such as failure, frustration and dealing with life’s hardships. The newcomer may have missed out on the peak of the emo era, but it hasn’t stopped him from exploring the melancholy aspects of his music.
He says, “Your typical indie lovers that have a skill in sniffing out fresh releases to feed their thirst for something slightly deeper, will find comfort in the upcoming EP.” He continues, “At the core, music has always been synonymous with life, and man’s volatile emotions. It wraps around us like a heated blanket during winter, and its frequencies bring back memories from the past.” But it is not all doom and gloom and Basson’s main aim is finding the light at the end of the tunnel, and spending time in nature and faith. Faith has always played a big role in his life and trusting God with this project was vital.
Although everyone will have their own interpretation of the lyrics, Basson’s main concern is that they shake to the beat and swing those hips.
“Just that could be the first step in lighting up a person’s day and throwing those concerns away!”
The single and EP were recorded by Werner Kahtz at Good Morning Sweet Songbird Studios in Pretoria.
The two already have eight more songs lined up to be recorded in the near future.
Basson concludes, “This EP since it’s my debut should serve as a cornerstone of what is hopefully still to come and set the stage for future releases. If every future body of work could bring me as much pride and joy as this one, then I would bet that I’m on to something.”